#KulturSagtDanke – raffle for the heroes of everyday life

We hold together despite distance!

We are all looking forward to the time when we can experience culture again: in museums, theatres, cinemas, clubs, restaurants and all the places that inspire and give us strength.

We say THANK YOU to the people who are working to the point of exhaustion to ensure that we are well provided for during the Corona pandemic! In hospitals, old people’s homes, public authorities, supermarkets and many other places, these heroes of everyday life really give their all.

As a gesture of our respect, we are giving away 1 group ticket for 12 people every week from now until the day our museum is open again – because experiencing culture together is something we are currently missing enormously!

The heroes of everyday life can get in touch with us on our facebook page or by email. The winners of the weekly raffle will be informed by email and can redeem their prize voucher as soon as Automuseum PROTOTYP is open again.

Already today and in this way a heartfelt thank you to these people!

And to all: Stay healthy and – until we are finally allowed to open again – at home!

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